Friday, January 11, 2008

New Post for the New year

Regardless of what you might think, our life has, in fact continued. I've quite enjoyed it, even. But with all the changes, there hasn't been a lot of time to post on the blog. Who am I kidding? I've only posted once before, so this is really just a fluke. Since the last post, which was, I believe, in August, we've stayed in the same house (surprisingly), I've found a new job, (not as surprising), and we've had a brother and a nephew leave on missions. Andrew's finished a semester of school and started a new one, changed callings, and we've decided to become vegetarians. Just checking to see if you're still reading. Can you see Andrew -- or me, for that matter -- as a vegetarian? I don't think so.
Winter has started here, and with it has come a lot of snow. That's a good thing, because heaven only knows that we needed it after last year's debacle of a ski season. So far, so good, and I know that a lot of like-minded people are crossing their fingers with me. Without children, it's difficult to know what sort of things should be posted on one's blog, and I can't think of anything else that's interesting enough to merit mention. Maybe someday, when we have an internet connection in our apartment, pictures will appear. Maybe. No guarantees, though.

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