Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How is it July?

It seems that the last months are a complete blur. Looking at my last post, I realized life has changed pretty dramatically. First off, in March I transferred from doing reporting for the finance department to working with the merchandising department. Once making that move, I was there for about a month and a half before I got offered a different job within the company. The best part? This job comes with the title of Statistician. I feel like I'm finally able to use my degree, which is great.

Other exciting changes? Well, we're expecting a baby in January! Exciting, but also the reason that I haven't done a single thing other than wake up and drag myself to work for the past two and a half months. Only in the past week or two have I really started to feel better, but I do. A sure sign? Probably when I voluntarily did the laundry after 7:30 pm.

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