Thursday, October 2, 2008

Update for October

I look forward to the day that these posts become more regular. And maybe even include pictures, but let's not hold our breath for that one. It would require us to have internet at home and for me to write an entry at home, and neither looks likely at the moment. It's now October 2nd, and between now and my last post in either July or August, we found out that we're having a baby boy! We don't have a name yet, but I'm sure that in a year or so, that too will be posted.

As far as life goes, I think things are going pretty well. I'm working still, and probably will be working up until delivery, so that keeps my mind off of things and lets the time go by pretty fast. Andrew's at school with 18 credits, but he is in his last full semester as an undergraduate, and all of us who've been through that semester know that it is a good feeling. Right now, he's preparing for medical school interviews. He had one interview in September, and three lined up for October. I know we'll both be happy to have at least one acceptance, because then we can be a little more picky about flying around the country. Right now, it's eating into our savings quite a bit.

In the meantime, we're both excited for Thanksgiving, to take a quick break from our lives, and for the next BYU football game. Go Cougars!


Royce and Annika said...

That's so exciting you're having a boy! We thought for sure Bridget would be a boy . . .

Want to get together for dinner sometime?

Inspired said...

Is this the blog of Andrew Gilbert Richardson and his wife? Did you serve your mission in Costa Rica? If it is this is Hermana Hymas, now BreAn Buckner, small world. If not please disregard the note, and my many apologies.

Inspired said...

Ya, it's crazy how small the world is. Congratulations on having a boy!!! Now I may be a little biased, but I think they are the best. Every month gets better. Are you going to be a DO, or an MD. What is your specialization going to be? I know the feeling about not knowing where we will be next year. Right now John is looking at New York, New York; Reno, Nevada; Salt Lake City, UT; Flagstaff, Arizona; and staying here (but that is only for political reasons) in case you didn't know the South is known for it's "all about who you know" attitude. The very place we don't want to go it probably where we will end up going (New York) call it a spiritual prompting, but we are okay with that we just wanted to get closer to family.